Sunday, November 18, 2012

Picture becoming clearer.

      It has come to light in the past week or so that the republican party not only considers Romney an outsider but they appear that they really do not even like him. I believe Mitt Romney was a sincere politician that would have accomplished alot. The other republican candidates offered nothing and were rejected by the voters. Now that Romney has lost we will see what they have to off otherwise.

   This also explains why there was no challenges to such things such as misrepresented unemployment numbers the last two cycles. The lack of outrage over Benghazi by the establishments. Congress should have been all over it. The fact it was announced that Obama had the defense contractors hold off to announce lay offs. The fact that hundreds of companies were lining up for lay offs and cut backs if Obama was re-elected. Why was this not brought to the voters attention. Why were there tens of thousands of supporters at his rallys all around Philadelphia and he didnt receive 1 vote(Nonsense). No one believes this and everyone believes voter fraud was rampant. Congress should have been all over this with full blown press conferences on all of this and more.

     I hope someone like Marco Rubio grabs the reigns of the party and set policy that makes our core values become stronger again. Immigration policies that bring the latin vote into the Republican Party where their values are appreciated. Refresh the american fold on all of the civil rights that the republican party had been champions of. The pure fact that most minorities are very spiritual and hold their relationship with God very close puts them in closer alignment with the republican party. The democrat party, party  of  Pro-Choice, Gay Marriage, rewarding those who refuse to work, who denounces God as a whole at their convention is not a party for Christians of any race.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

How can there be no questions?

   Romney has huge turnouts at all rallys all over the country, Much larger than Obama's. He had to bring Bruce Springsteen to get a decent turnout. everyone we run across suffered and can not stand Obama's policies. Obama just does not do his job. In our community we have about a 62/38 Rep/dem ratio. 73% voted for Romney. On face book. Its a handful of spiteful, gloating  people compared to masses of shocked people. There has to be something going on with the counting, Systems had to be hacked.
   Also Benghazi, How can SOS Clinton make herself unavailable. Petreius steps down because of an affair after the FBI checked to see if he was cheating. Why is the FBI investigating sex? I want my tax money back. Lybia needs a top to bottom investigation with Obama and Biden prosecuted. Both have lied and both publically covered it up. Also Obama had defense contractors hold off announcing layoffs to after the election. That is illegal on the front of regulations and against election law. I see another executive privialge order coming to shut this stuff down. I could rant on but obviously americans dont care and americans have changed their values and they have changed morally. But lets send the FBI to investigate who is having sex. Where were they with Clinton and Kennedy and John Edwards....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Voters Enthusiasm

      What is everyones take on voter enthusiasm. I see reports of huge rallies that Romney and Ryan are having. Reports of Romney having 30,000, Obama 2800 at events over the last few days. Reports that Obama had 80,000 at a rally in 2008 and 4000 there this time. How does this play in to the fact that more people identify themselves as republicans this election while less identify themselves democrat. Also with the gap in women voters being erased and independant voters swinging strongly republican how do the polls stay so close... It feels like there is either a strong misrepresentation of what is going on out there or the models the polls are based on have to be off. Off of the ground game reports I feel led to believe Michael Barrone and Dick Morris are correct.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Unions Stop Recovery in NY

       Why the rest of the country is tired of unions and think they should be reduced to a diminished role. In NY they are vulgarly harassing utility workers from out of town. Millions are without power and other utilities and these union workers only care about themselves. No one has taken their jobs or threatened to.  These good, loyal union workers only see opportunity for extended overtime. Not the many many people in dire need of help. They also dont appreciate the people who were torn from their families and make personal sacrifices to help fellow americans... Vote against the unions and organized labor.

I am beginning to believe!

    When I look at the polls as they come out I am amazed at how close they are. Especially when we hear things like Governor Romney has closed the gender gap.  A large portion of businesses and most small business backs Mitt Romney. Catholics and other Christians lean toward Romney because of the gay marriage issues, abortions anywhere, anytime or anyplace, and the governments infringements on religious institutions. Many black Churches will not vote this year. There are only 3.7% of Americans gay. Romney has the major support of the military. Independent voters are swinging in a large way to Romney. But the polls are still deadlocked. Romney has a record of success in business and government. Obama  has no business record, his senate record took no sides voting present and his presidential record is atrocious.

     I think Dick Morris and Michael Barone may be on to something. With all of the news in the favor of Romney and so much wrong with Obama's record I am starting to become a believer in what these two men have to say.. I cant wait to see if they are right and to hopefully celebrate a renewal of values that will make our country strong again.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Latin/Hispanic Vote

     We are super glad that the majority in Miami have paid attention and voting for real progress. This election has been a venue where the media and current president have misguided and  directed the Latin Vote by illegal policies and untruths.

     The Latin/Hispanic vote should naturally fall to the republican side.. With strong conservative values,  strong work ethics, and deeply religous roots they should walk hand in hand with the core base of the republican party.
      The media through illegal policy and false representations have guided many Latin/hispanic voters to the democrat side.  This is truly a travesty and is using peoples dreams for political gain.

Obama, Losing Could Be His Best Option

     Losing such a prestigous election could be Obama's best bet. His cover up and inability to handle foreign policy is much worse than what Nixon did. His only saving grace is the mainstream media has been on his side. I believe that if he is re-elected he may end up prosecuted along with Hillary. One if not both will lose a job over that scandal.

    He also has covered  up other crimes such as Fast and Furious. His giving taxpayer funds to campaign donors another crime. Misappropriation of funds is a big deal. I believe his best bet is to lose. His arrogance keeps him in the race. Thankfully with his bad record we will probably not see him  elected to a second term saving our country the heart ache of such a scandal.

Common Sense Wins

The NYC Marathon has been cancelled.. Was it common sense or the fear of rebellion.

Very Presidential

     Such a positive message today... I really dont understand how people can not say he has a plan or message. He covers what is at the heart of todays problems and he shows he has the experience to correct them...  

      I  dont see how anyone can look at the Presidents Record and then compare them to Mitt Romney at all. That shows some people would vote for Donald Duck if they were on the ballot, if they represented their party.


        We can not let this be the new standard. The unenployment rate is only this low after all of the playing with numbers and coming up with a new formula that got the rate under 8%, and barely under that rate.  We should expect more of ourselves than this and we should definetley not allow public servants to tell us we need to accept this.

Working for the Chinese

We can not keep going in the same direction.. Vote for Change.  Dont End up like this.... CLICK HERE

Harry Reid Will Refuse to Work With Romney

  Harry Reid doesnt understand who he works for... If the people elect Mitt Romney, Harry Reid should work with him or get out of the way. Working with a President and finding compromise is what our governmental system is based on. I cant understand how he has stayed in office so long. What is the best way to deal with Harry Reid?   As Americans lets hold Harry Reid accountable and move our coutry forward.

Our Purpose

   This blog will cover what is going on in our country today. Is there transparency?   We will keep up on government activities and how they will effect the lives of Americans. We also want the citizens of our great country to know and understand that they can see the truth of what is going on today.  When we see such a breakdown and cover up as Benghazi, a politician will not be able to say it is all good. They should never get away with telling us the opposite  of what we see or hear.

   Feel free to follow us here and we will keep up to date on activities that will determine the quality of the lives of ordinary citizens...