Thursday, December 13, 2012

Obama the Magnificent the Grand Illusionist!

       Never before in american history have we had such a president.  I sat in awe during this past election cycle as statistics about our economy surfaced. The republicans saw an opening as the statistics were atrocious. They jumped back into an old play book and rightfully asked the american people "Are you better off now than you were four years ago".  People were outraged at the statistics and the republicans started rising in the polls. Quickly Democratic and media specialist went into action declaring "Forget those statistics, America is better off", "We are in a much better position for a great future", "This is a sign our policies are working" and  "Lets go Forward". The liberal friendly media ran with and every democrat ran with it. The results with over 23 million people out of work, 47 Million on Food Stamps, Disability Claims rapidly growing, Unemployment maintaining rediculous levels, 70% of americans living pay check to pay check, gas prices doubled and nearly every other stat moving in a declining position, the people deemed yes things must be better. Over half of the nation agressively, as though their very souls depended on it, declared yes things are better "vote for him"

     The illusion of job growth. I will never understand how an average citizen can be told "We created 150,000 jobs, the new unemployment claims are 350,000 things are really getting good.   I am not really sure but the math I learned says we are 200,000 jobs in the wrong direction. Then we have another issue where people run out of benefits and fall out of the job market.  That was hard to disguise so they re-work the formula. Hmmm, Now I see, they called a numer of households and asked how many  people are in the home that works, how many works part time, How many even worked one hour, how many are self employeed, how many have started home businesses and come up with a larger numer of job growth. No way to confirm the numbers based off of questions to manipulate the unemployment rate. So the rate comes down slightly and we are told things are getting better and his policies are working.  Abracadabra or Hocus Pocus?  NO, just Political Nonsense.

       The grand illusion isnt amazing, its manipulation of the human spirit. People want to succeed  and feel secure..  He plays on this to a huge success.  I encourage people to look at reality, what are the facts. Yes Facts are reality, even though perception usually dictates political positions. Look at our constitution, the majority of people dont want it changed. We live in a society of capitalism not socialism. The President scoffs at the accusation of being a socialists when his theories and beliefs say otherwise. Even news sources in Russia state that he is doing a masterful job of implementing communism here and other countries admire how he is implementing socilaism. But That all dissappears when he declares I just want a level playing field for everyone. Even though everyone do not take the same risks, they dont make the same investments or pursue the same education, but they want a piece of the same pie.

       I am also amazed at his ability get his supporters to berate anyone who disagrees with his policies. Look at news comments or go to facebook and find a active republican congressman or senator and look at the vile, rude comments. When did dignity and human decency disappear. Now that is magic...  a republican senator or candidate can make a poor staement on rape or abortion and they are crucified. A democrat senator calls for blood in regards to thr right to work vote in Michigan. Yes calling for violence and its not a big deal. Human values are now onesided. Thats magic indeed. So is he Obama the Magnificent? No, not at all. But he has magnificently manipulated public perception.

Mandate for the President?... Or Freedom for the People?

      First of all lets breakdown what a "Mandate" is. It is an Order or Command. For the President to say "you will buy insurance" or "you will pay more taxes no matter what you want" is a mandate to the people. We receive many mandates from the government, many good and some are imposing on our rights. Then there is a mandate to the president from the people.  He likes to say "the people gave me a mandate to raise taxes". He also says "the people gave me a mandate to pursue my agenda". The  modern term mandate has been expanded to include the people electing or demanding a candidate to purse a position or cause.

    Did the president receive a mandate to raise taxes? Did he receive a mandate to punish the rich? Did he receive a mandate to pursue his socialist  agenda? Did he receive a mandate to enforce Obama Care?  No! He did not. He was re-elected off of his promise he would compromise and work in a bipartisan manner to accomplish whats best for the american people. Congress was held in place to balance power. The senate is democratically led, but to tight to be fillibuster proof. There was a MANDATE set from the american people and it is was for the government to quit playing partisan politics from the president down and work together for the best interest of the american people.  Thats the mandate set with this last election.

       Lets look at a couple of current mandates from the people to washington. The majority of americans say "Tax cuts must be coupled with cutting spending". There are also national polls that show 65% of the people want "across the board spending cuts". Yet the President says "No, the people want the rich to pay more". Lets look at what he feels is a mandate. First he along with the media have convinced the average americans the "Rich" should pay their fair share.  What should be considered are how many of the people polled on taxing the rich fall into the 47% category of people who pay "NO TAX". Is it right or even decent for someone who not only pays no tax but often receives government refunds of several thousands of dollars that they never paid in, to demand that anyone else pay more taxes.  

    The people mandated that the government improve our economic position. They also mandated more jobs. We were promised by the President that he would compromise with the republicans for the best outcome for the american people. Yet we see the same Obama who told John McCain after the last election when he broke the same promise"John the election is over", taking the same posture, if not even on a harder line.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Unions or Right to Work.

     Unions certainly had a place in this country... Workers rights were horrendous. This was prevalent during the industrial revolution. At that time industries popped up shoving in as many workers as possible demanding hard work and crazy hours. In those times a family may run a farm. On that farm the entire family would have jobs... Kids may be up up at the break of dawn working and wouldnt attend school at times, like during harvest season for an example..  This same type of expectations fed in to the manufacturing sector. For new industries safety wasnt  addressed yet. This sometimes caused dangerous environments and sometimes put people in jeapordy of environmental illnesses. This along with unrealistic labor demands of all ages were a huge problem.

      Anyone who has had a business knows it takes a while to become profitable.. It was no difference then.  Many businesses faltered as profits grew..  Part in greed, part in fear, they looked for cheap labor. The greedy wanted more in their own pockets and the others felt they had to follow suit to compete. Unions came about in the mid 1800's fighting for workers rights.Through the 1900's most of these issues were addressed. Now we find that the unions are overly demanding making huge monies for themselves and taking their workers to unrealistic wages and benefits pushing many jobs over seas.

  The Right to Work?  You would think that would be part of living in a free country. But it isnt. The Unions have to get their cuts. They often incite worker hosilities and violence. Such as we are seeing now in Michigan. The right to work in many states came about in 1935 with the Wagner act. Now our President is insinuating a lack of intelligence for those who want the right to work.  He is aggresively supporting the unions in Michigan(after all the gave him millions of Dollars).

     Other signs the unions have out lived their purpose are in the news everyday.  In NY right after the Storm Sandy hit  utility crews picketed out of state utility workers leaving their neighbors and families without power for days. They demanded no non-union workers. Also clerks in California shut down the piers with the demand only union workers be hired.. This cost various americans $1 billion a day... Putting many individuals pay on hold, truckers who drove across country basically denied work.. How does this effect families and even the ability to afford Christmas for their kids.. Time to get rid of unions.. There are plenty of lawyers out there for when our rights are violated.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Separation of Church and State?

        In the United States we have a separation of Church and State in our constitution. Or do we? We are promised that we have a freedom to practice our religion  and that it will not be infringed upon. Lets look at that first. We are not allowed to have outward displays of our religion in many places today. Many businesses require their employees to say "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas". No prayer in school. A teacher cant lead a group of Christians in prayer, Yesterday a governor was publically admonished for promoting a faith rally for other christians. Christians are attacked by many secular groups constantly and anytime they get a chance.  I see that as our rights are infringed upon.

        The Separation of Church and State:  Now this is not how most people consider  it. This is not a constitutional right nor was it intended to be.. This was from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in reply to a concern by a church that the government would take over that church.. He wrote back that there was a separation in church and state. Otherwise the government was not and did not intend on getting into the business of running a church. Many Secular groups use this to suit their needs and even claim its constitutional. They use the NLP. If you say it enough people will believe it. But that does not make it so.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Gun Control or Society Mr. Costas?

     Why do we have a right to "Bear Arms"?   It was cut and dry.. There were several reasons with number one reason being.. deterring tyrannical government, number 2 repelling invasion, number 3 being suppressing insurrection,4 was facilitating a natural right of self-defense, 5 was participating in law enforcement, and 6 allowed the people to organize a militia system. After consideration of these needs the second amendment reads " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed upon".

    No where was the verbiage for sportsmanship or self-defense only written or inferred. It was there because our forefathers had just battled a tyrannical government for freedom. It started with unfair taxes being imposed without representation from the people. Following the Boston Tea Party the colonies were hit with other oppressive regulations. This caused the revolutionary war. When the Bill of rights were ratified this was the cause. In today's  world we are only a step away from such oppression. How can individuals arm themselves appropriately when the police and military representing the government looks like the picture to the right. Today our political parties pass legislation in representation of their own political parties not the people who elect them. Our right to bear arms established this country and to revoke that right would surely cause its downfall.

     When individuals like Mr. Costas screams or advocate that our rights be taken away because of individual action, it is an attack on our core freedoms. I contend that in our society the misuse of guns falls more on society than the rights we have. Every movie, every show, every book and every video game that we confront everyday desensitizes our population to the realities of violence which includes the misuse of guns. It is seen as random and with no effect on people who would be close to such violence and also without effect on the moral conscience.  The same has effected how our younger generation has come to view sex, drinking and drugs. I suggest to Mr. Costas that instead of spewing non American views, maybe he should lobby to cleanup Hollywood and other media outlets. Also through education and re-establishing the morals our country was founded upon.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Call a tax Increase a tax increase

     Currently our president is heading out on a $4 million vacation while a fiscal cliff is looming. Congresss is  considering a cut in tax rates, but doing away with even more in exemptions and deductions.. This is a backdoor tax increase and will put less money in your paychecks... They need to call it what it is an increase in tax revenue is an increase in TAXES perioid. All without a balanced budget, and eliminating waste, fraud, reforming entitlements(Not SS & Medicare its almost gone as is) and giving aid to countries that Hate us. 

What Is Too Much Tax?

Everyone needs to review the Simpson Bowles act... Our congress is debating this now. It will reduce medicare, raise gas taxes, raise income taxes and change the age you can receive Social Security. Its already age 70 for somneone my age and my life expectancy is 73... They are stealing our retirements. It will cut non specific spending which means nothing gets cut. They do this as each Congressman makes in excess of $175k, They receive that in a pension for the rest of their life after one term. The receive in the neighborhood of 1.5 million for staffing and 75k for descretionary spending, travel expenses an so on. They have lifetime top level medical and they are cutting ours out.. Call your congressman and senators and stop this now.. Review these numbers and see what you can afford: I would like to know what is too much tax. Figure $852 per week national average for househould income.Thats under $3700 per month, Average family Insurance Contribution in 2010(Its Higher Now) was 333 per month. That leaves 3367 per month All Current taxes are in the neighborhood of 50 cents per dollar. That leaves $1683 per month. The national Average for a mortgage is $1687 per Month. Thats not food, clothes, car payments, car or life insurance, savings, vacations or anything else. When Congress has such lush benefits, national uncontrolled spending and waste, foreign aide out of check, No balanced budget. How much more are we expected to pay. What is fair..