Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mandate for the President?... Or Freedom for the People?

      First of all lets breakdown what a "Mandate" is. It is an Order or Command. For the President to say "you will buy insurance" or "you will pay more taxes no matter what you want" is a mandate to the people. We receive many mandates from the government, many good and some are imposing on our rights. Then there is a mandate to the president from the people.  He likes to say "the people gave me a mandate to raise taxes". He also says "the people gave me a mandate to pursue my agenda". The  modern term mandate has been expanded to include the people electing or demanding a candidate to purse a position or cause.

    Did the president receive a mandate to raise taxes? Did he receive a mandate to punish the rich? Did he receive a mandate to pursue his socialist  agenda? Did he receive a mandate to enforce Obama Care?  No! He did not. He was re-elected off of his promise he would compromise and work in a bipartisan manner to accomplish whats best for the american people. Congress was held in place to balance power. The senate is democratically led, but to tight to be fillibuster proof. There was a MANDATE set from the american people and it is was for the government to quit playing partisan politics from the president down and work together for the best interest of the american people.  Thats the mandate set with this last election.

       Lets look at a couple of current mandates from the people to washington. The majority of americans say "Tax cuts must be coupled with cutting spending". There are also national polls that show 65% of the people want "across the board spending cuts". Yet the President says "No, the people want the rich to pay more". Lets look at what he feels is a mandate. First he along with the media have convinced the average americans the "Rich" should pay their fair share.  What should be considered are how many of the people polled on taxing the rich fall into the 47% category of people who pay "NO TAX". Is it right or even decent for someone who not only pays no tax but often receives government refunds of several thousands of dollars that they never paid in, to demand that anyone else pay more taxes.  

    The people mandated that the government improve our economic position. They also mandated more jobs. We were promised by the President that he would compromise with the republicans for the best outcome for the american people. Yet we see the same Obama who told John McCain after the last election when he broke the same promise"John the election is over", taking the same posture, if not even on a harder line.

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