Thursday, December 13, 2012

Obama the Magnificent the Grand Illusionist!

       Never before in american history have we had such a president.  I sat in awe during this past election cycle as statistics about our economy surfaced. The republicans saw an opening as the statistics were atrocious. They jumped back into an old play book and rightfully asked the american people "Are you better off now than you were four years ago".  People were outraged at the statistics and the republicans started rising in the polls. Quickly Democratic and media specialist went into action declaring "Forget those statistics, America is better off", "We are in a much better position for a great future", "This is a sign our policies are working" and  "Lets go Forward". The liberal friendly media ran with and every democrat ran with it. The results with over 23 million people out of work, 47 Million on Food Stamps, Disability Claims rapidly growing, Unemployment maintaining rediculous levels, 70% of americans living pay check to pay check, gas prices doubled and nearly every other stat moving in a declining position, the people deemed yes things must be better. Over half of the nation agressively, as though their very souls depended on it, declared yes things are better "vote for him"

     The illusion of job growth. I will never understand how an average citizen can be told "We created 150,000 jobs, the new unemployment claims are 350,000 things are really getting good.   I am not really sure but the math I learned says we are 200,000 jobs in the wrong direction. Then we have another issue where people run out of benefits and fall out of the job market.  That was hard to disguise so they re-work the formula. Hmmm, Now I see, they called a numer of households and asked how many  people are in the home that works, how many works part time, How many even worked one hour, how many are self employeed, how many have started home businesses and come up with a larger numer of job growth. No way to confirm the numbers based off of questions to manipulate the unemployment rate. So the rate comes down slightly and we are told things are getting better and his policies are working.  Abracadabra or Hocus Pocus?  NO, just Political Nonsense.

       The grand illusion isnt amazing, its manipulation of the human spirit. People want to succeed  and feel secure..  He plays on this to a huge success.  I encourage people to look at reality, what are the facts. Yes Facts are reality, even though perception usually dictates political positions. Look at our constitution, the majority of people dont want it changed. We live in a society of capitalism not socialism. The President scoffs at the accusation of being a socialists when his theories and beliefs say otherwise. Even news sources in Russia state that he is doing a masterful job of implementing communism here and other countries admire how he is implementing socilaism. But That all dissappears when he declares I just want a level playing field for everyone. Even though everyone do not take the same risks, they dont make the same investments or pursue the same education, but they want a piece of the same pie.

       I am also amazed at his ability get his supporters to berate anyone who disagrees with his policies. Look at news comments or go to facebook and find a active republican congressman or senator and look at the vile, rude comments. When did dignity and human decency disappear. Now that is magic...  a republican senator or candidate can make a poor staement on rape or abortion and they are crucified. A democrat senator calls for blood in regards to thr right to work vote in Michigan. Yes calling for violence and its not a big deal. Human values are now onesided. Thats magic indeed. So is he Obama the Magnificent? No, not at all. But he has magnificently manipulated public perception.

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